Coming soon!
Coming soon!

Did you miss our FREE Introduction to the Enneagram calls?
Watch the recordings here:
January 7th, 2021, 5:30pm Pacific / 8:30pm Eastern
Tuition: $175
To Register, contact Debbie Rixon

The Nine Personality Types
The Enneagram is a system of nine personality traits combining traditional wisdom teachings and modern psychology providing a clear understanding of behavior and motivation. This powerful tool can be applied to personal development, spiritual growth, and successful relationships at work and home.
Tuition $1495
Pathways Graduates bring someone new to Pathways and you both receive half off!*
Contact Debbie Rixon at for *Special Referral discount.

Collective Coaching:
Shadow Work
Do you get stuck doing shadow work again and again?
Are you ready for an epic break through?
Are you ready for the deep dive you can’t do alone?
OUR NEXT COLLECTIVE COACHING series will focus on The Shadow supporting you in uncovering your shadow content, liberating what keeps you bound and unfulfilled. Shadow work often needs a guide because it’s unconscious. Together, during 8 live on-line sessions held over 4 months, we’ll dive to the bottom of our soul, discovering and releasing the treasure inside. Whether you want to work a specific issue, long term goal, or just expand your capacity, this group will empower you to:
• Dismantle a persistent problem, liberating new potential and creative resource.
• Take back your power and creating consistent results in any area of your life; love, body, health, relationship, finances or career.
• Create and maintain a trusting partnership with your unconscious.
• Move from fear to courage, hope to self-realization.
A small group setting expands possibilities. You’ll gain the value of other’s breakthroughs, insights, vulnerability, and wisdom. Witnessing and being witnessed will help support your deep dive, and group work offers a cost- effective alternative to one on one coaching with Carole.
• Eight two-hour long live video conference calls. Calls will be recorded and available for playback for the duration of the program and 30 days upon completion.
• A Private Facebook Group for inspiration, support, and sharing of insights, dreams, art etc.
• Bonus learning materials, resources, inspiration and tips for success.
• A practice partner for grounding, centering and deepening.
• One FREE 50 min. individual coaching session with Carole (for new Shadow Work participants only) to be scheduled during July, August or September..
Zoom Calls, held Mondays,
East Coast Group: 4:00pm—6:00pm Pacific (7:00pm—9:00pm Eastern)
West Coast Group: 7:00pm ---- 9:00pm Pacific (10:00pm-12:00am Eastern)
Dates: June 15th & 29th; July 13th, 20th & 27th,
August 3rd,10th & 24th,
September 7th, 14th, & 21st
IMAGINE WHAT’S POSSIBLE if you could accurately understand anyone’s priorities and values, how one thinks, feels, and loves, the motivations driving your own and others behaviors and reactions? The Enneagram articulates nine predominant filters of perception and attention that drive distinct patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior. Studying the Enneagram provides what we all wish we’d gotten at birth, an operator’s manual to self-love, spiritual development, and exceptional relationships. This is an ideal introductory or refresher course and a prerequisite for upcoming specialized Enneagram offerings and the Enneagram Certification Training.
• A system of nine distinct personality types for understanding our patterns of behavior and their motivation.
• A model for understanding our greatest gifts and deepest essence.
• A way to to understand the specific patterns that limit us and how we free ourselves from them
• A clear strategy for creating effective and successful relationship outcomes.
• A map to greater compassion and spiritual unfoldment.
• An introduction to The Nine Personality Types, on ten weekly video calls
• Weekly handouts for each point type
• Combination of taped and live panel interviews where you can see, experience, and identify the different personalities
• Q & A sessions for inquiry, typing, and self discovery
• Additional materials on the Enneagram Triads, Heart and Stress Points, Subtypes, and Passions
• Access to listen to each call during the10-week training and for one month following the course*
*Don't let time constraints keep you from registering. You can talk with Debbie Rixon directly if you need additional time
DATES: Thursdays, October 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th; November 5th, 12th, 19th; December 3rd, 10th, 17th
TIME: 5:30pm--7:00pm Pacific (8:30pm --10:00pm Eastern)
Optional Q & A Session: 7:00pm--7:30pm Pacific (10pm-10:30pm Easttern)
Contact Debbie Rixon at for more details

Loida D., MA
“When I think about what I’ve received from Pathways, the first word that comes up is Connection.
When I write the word connection I mean it in the deepest sense. Connection to myself, you and life as one. A magical gift that surpasses all understanding yet I understand it now. It’s an understanding that lives in my core and I now allow to live through me because I now know that I am the embodied presence of love not as a concept but as a knowing. The God in me sees the God in you is now literal for me because I do see the reflection of God in everything and everyone. Pathways has provided for me a space to dive deeper into my soul than I could have ever imagined and it has been the gift that keeps on giving because as I open and share my light as Love I give others permission to do the same. Thank you Carole Kammen for being a pillar of devotion. Your love is remarkable and I am forever grateful for you and our community.”

The Soul Speaks:
Honoring the Divine Feminine
I ALWAYS IMAGINED I WAS A GOOD LISTENER. But truthfully, I was better at listening to others than my own heart and soul. Better at recognizing and meeting the needs of others than my own. The journey of coming home to myself began with listening to my own soul, and learning her language. Really listening!
This wasn’t easy because I was listening to other things…to my mind so certain about what I should and ought to do, inner patriarchal values, morals, and beliefs about perfection. What others felt was best for me. Lacking trust in myself, I turned outside for wisdom and direction. I turned to others to set my course and verify my choices. I also turned to others for the love and affirmation I denied myself...
Then SHE awoke. The Divine Feminine who comes in many forms; the heat of anger, tears of grief, the softness of touch, and the fire pulsating in the longing of my heart. This deeply loving, fully fierce and always free Goddess beckoned me to listen and slowly she became my compass. And with her came the courage to speak my truth, follow my path, and honor my feminine soul.
My body became my ally and partner when I stopped judging and started to love her. I learned to allow emotion to move through me and I began thinking with my heart and listening with my body. And then, I began to love myself as fully as I’d always hoped others would.
Do you long to restore trust and confidence in the wisdom of the feminine?
Do you long to stop living from obligation and start living from freedom and joy?
Then come join a small intimate sisterhood of women in a safe container in which to express feelings, trust our creative impulses, make peace with our bodies, and listen to the language of the soul. Be part of this circle to give and receive deep support, encouragement to speak the truth, hold one another’s hearts sacred, and listen to the Goddess as she speaks through symbols, dreams, art, and the deep intuition in our bodies.
Our journey together will include:
Eight two-hour long video conference coaching calls
Bonus practices for soul connection, trust, and self-love
Access to our small, intimate tribe of women through a private Facebook group
A soul sister to walk this journey with you in partnership
To join our waiting list contact Debbie Rixon at

Brandy H., OH
“The most profound part of Women’s Mysteries for me was the body dialogue exercise.
We got still and quiet and listened to what different body parts had to say to us. I found anger and grief from some parts, as well as appreciation and special requests from others. It was the start of changing my relationship with my body; by listening more deeply to what she has to say and speaking to and with her often, I’ve slowly regained her trust and partnered with her for better health, well-being, and overall physical condition! I feel more at home in her than I ever have before, and I find myself feeling more love for myself and more compassion for my perceived physical flaws, especially the ones that are the result of not caring for her well enough earlier in life. I made a new agreement that I am the steward of this divine vessel, and her care is one of my highest priorities! I feel so much more freedom in my body.”