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 Beach Week: A Pathways Vacation Seminar on Creativity 

AWAKEN YOUR INNER ARTIST DREAMER AND INNOVATOR during this immersive week-long experience designed to spark your creative passion. Immerse yourself in a world where mystery and imagination collide, opening doors to new possibilities and unlocking the hidden potential within.

THIS AMAZING SETTING allows us to fully engage with our bodies and let the demands of life drop away. Our temple is mere steps from the white powder sand and turquoise waters of the Caribbean, a perfect place in which to open our hearts and reconnect with one another.


Some highlights include:

●  Dreamwork and movement

●  Session and exercises for igniting joy and creativity

●  Moonlight ritual on the beach

●  Swimming and yoga

●  Massages available at Maya Tulum’s upscale spa   

Dive into a diverse array interactive sessions, and thought-provoking discussions. From visual arts to storytelling, music, and beyond, discover your unique creative voice and watch it flourish.

Challenge the boundaries of your imagination through mysterious prompts, stimulating activities, and collaborative projects that encourage you to think outside the box. Cultivate a mindset of innovation. Don't miss the chance to be part of this extraordinary week where mystery meets imagination. Spark your creativity, nurture your passions, and let your imagination soar! 

Dive into a diverse array interactive sessions, and thought-provoking discussions. Discover your unique creative voice and watch it flourish. 

Beach Week: A Pathways Vacation Seminar on Creativity

 June 3rd to 9th, 2024

Maya Tulum, Mexico

For more information contact Debbie Rixon:

All monies paid are non-refundable and non-transferable to future workshops. You will be charged in full for tuition and logistics fees regardless of attendance. Includes all meals and lodging based on multiple occupancy.

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