Seer Initiation: Awakened Intuition
(or Awakening The Seer)
THE SEER CONFERENCE IS A POWERFUL INITIATORY intuitional opening through the 5th and 6th Chakras in which you’ll awaken to universal wisdom, insight, direct knowledge and unconditional love.
Most of us are deeply acquainted with the personal historical encoded memories that affect how we think and feel, creating habitual patterns of behavior. At the same time we also all have non-rational, mystical memory encoded systemically through our bodies which we activate through the Throat (5th) and 3rd Eye (6th) chakras. When activated we have direct insight into the underlying pattern and meaning of any life situation, connection to innate wisdom and a binding connection to our core life purpose.
The Seer Conference is held in deep retreat, allowing the luxury to transcend beyond our life responsibilities into unfolding time and space, union of opposites into wholeness and the experience of our True Self.
September 9th-21st, 2021
El Rancho Robles, Oracle, Arizona
*All monies paid are non-refundable, and non-transferable to future workshops. You will be charged in full for tuition and logistics fees regardless of attendance. Includes all meals, excursions and lodging based on multiple occupancy.

Priscilla J., CA
“Each of these initiations seems to open our other initiations in new ways.
Growing up, I’d been exposed to various intuitive tools, play, and thinking. But I didn’t know how it feels to use them from heart center, or from a place of connection—to one another, to God, and to all things.
I didn’t know how feeling into the bellows of my voice could open me to the primal bellows of the earth.
I didn’t know that I innately have access to energies that I don’t produce myself. That if I open myself to God, I can channel some of these energies through the vessel of my body.
I didn’t truly know how groups bring through and carry their own energy, different from any existing energy outside that group.
These were some of the lessons of Seer.”
Denise A., MA
“The biggest lesson-in-symbol for me could have happened in any conference but was part of Seer for me.
Someone took my naked mask by mistake and I don’t think I’ve ever fought so hard for myself, insisting that I get it back and that it was mine (me!) felt like the fierce maternal lioness inside of me, flexing and roaring and posturing for a fight for myself. And In Gratitude for my fierce loyalty and steadfast warrior, I feel as though my heart showed itself to me in how my mask evolved. Then through that waking dream, I was able to discover both internal wisdom and universal wisdom when I meditated with my mask on. Almost felt like the training wheels for the intuitive access I gained at Seer with my third eye initiation.”

Experience Reclaiming the Shadow. A profoundly transformational 12-day retreat designed to accelerate deep healing, and spiritual / personal integration.
ATTEND RECLAIMING THE SHADOW, or ‘The Shadow Conference’ as we often refer to it, and you will have the opportunity to reclaim parts of yourself that are unknown, untapped, lost, or underutilized. As the conference unfolds, you will experience a renewal of love, courage, freedom, energy, and a path to a more authentic and fulfilling life.
In this journey, we deepen the meditative practices begun at the Heart Conference and explore new areas such as sexuality, power and vulnerability, construction and destruction, and collective energetics. We shine a light on childhood issues, healing old emotional wounds. You will emerge able to be fully present in life with an increased ability to live fully and consciously.
Shadow 2019 takes place in an expansive and inspiring setting in the desert of Arizona. Along with our usual curriculum of meditation, movement, ritual, and group work, you will have plenty of personal time to hot tub, walk, connect with nature, meet new friends, draw, sculpt, paint, dance—or simply rest and renew. Through this retreat, your internal and external lives will unite to create a new and profound sense of wholeness.
June 11 - 23, 2019
El Rancho Robles, Oracle, Arizona
Tuition: $5695

*All money paid is non-refundable and non-transferable. Includes all meals, excursions and lodging based on multiple occupancy.
To find out more, contact Debbie Rixon at
or call (617) 968-1080

Paula H., CA
“I’ll never forget my Shadow Conference. I didn’t know what to expect going into it, and I was scared, but I didn’t realize it until later.
Once I got there and got engaged in the process, the fear disappeared. I discovered the power of symbols, images and art as a way for my psyche to communicate and connect with deeper parts of myself. It was so liberating and fascinating that I was excited the whole time. I remember taking risks with images that made me uncomfortable, and feeling the power of having faced truth. I remember once staying up late at night when no one else was in the art room, and I made a golden phallus out of clay and paint, and then I made a dark cave out of black paint and an old coconut shell I found. I loved that I didn’t feel the need to understand - that just by making the images in concrete form, I was engaging powerful forces within me in a new way.
I also carry with me a moment when we had been listening to chanting music, and then everyone left, off to a meal, I guess, and I was alone. I continued chanting by myself, and my song just started to emerge, and I followed it, chanting alone by the jungles edge. The mask of my personality slipped away, and I felt my essential self. I felt clear and free and in a natural state of simple joy and delight in being. I carried that moment as a touchstone, which has helped me remember who I am.
I left the Shadow conference more connected to love and with an expanded perspective on my life. It was an important step on my journey, and I am so grateful to myself for going and to Pathways for making the opportunity available.”

THE PATHWAYS MYSTERY SCHOOL is a four-year curriculum for those ready to undertake an initiatory path of spiritual awakening. This journey responds to the highest call to consciousness—to enter life fully with devotion and unconditional love.
Our studies draw from both current and ancient traditions, empowering us to live ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. The curriculum blends personal exploration with conceptual study, increasing your energetic, intuitive and healing abilities. Workshop modules are highly experiential. Home modules include a mix of modalities, which may include: journaling, authentic movement, peer coaching, exercises, reading, service projects, voice mastery, or other assignments.
Year Four is a magnificent year, bringing all you’ve experienced into living embodiment.
MSY3 Final Module: *October 31- November 7th, 2021* Easton Mountain, Greenwich, NY
Module One | Body As Temple: *February 14th - 21st, 2022* El Rancho Robles, Oracle, AZ
Module Two | Passion And Purpose: *July 18th - 25th, 2022* Easton Mountain, Greenwich, NY
Module Three | Embodiment of The Sacred: TBD
*These are tentative dates and locations that may change due to Covid-19 concerns and restrictions
Financial Information
Year 4 prices are based on three tiers. To support you in these studies we’ve been able to keep tuition prices the same! Any increase in logistic fees reflect actual increases in hard costs. Travel is excluded.
Tier Three: 17 to 18 Participants Total Cost $8490 (Tuition $3750 plus Logistics Fee $4740)
Tier Two: 14 to 16 Participants Total Cost $9300 (Tuition $4375 plus logistics Fee $4925)
Tier One: 12 to 13 Participants Total Cost $11,095 (Tuition $4995 plus logistics Fee $6100)
Payment Plan Option (Contact Debbie Rixon, see below)
Tier Three: 14 Monthly Payments of $642
Tier Two: 14 Monthly Payments of $699
Tier One: 14 Monthly Payments of $827.50
Monthly invoices are to be paid within 3 working days. Failure to do so will result in a $65.00 service charge. All monies paid are non- transferable and non- refundable. Once enrolled you are responsible in full for tuition and logistics regardless of attendance at all three modules.
To find out more, contact Debbie Rixon at
or call (617) 968-1080
Pathways Mystery Studies—
Mystery School Year IV: Living Mystery

MYSTERY SCHOOL GRADUATE STUDIES is for MS Year Six graduates wanting to continue working with a highly skilled group in the field of depth psychology and the mystical arts.
As a MS Year Six graduate the hard work of “learning how to learn” is behind you! You’re able to hold a container and open the portal, delve into shadow material, channel archetypal energies, lead ritual, and act in service to the greater collective. And, you know the vast potential a tribe creates for individual and collective discovery. From this solid foundation we’re looking forward to beginning work we haven’t yet imagined.
Graduate Studies will be less intensive than the first four years. Structured spaciously over a three year time period, each year has three modules. Supporting structures such as buddies, study groups or dream groups will be offered but not required. At the conclusion of each year you’ll choose whether to continue your study.
The MS Graduate Studies Year Six Summary
*revised dates
Module One, St. Dorothy's Rest, Occidental, CA: Monday, February 24th to Monday, March 2nd, 2020. Session starts with dinner on the 24th and ends with brunch on the 2nd, followed by teardown.
Module Two, El Rancho Robles, Oracle, AZ *Monday, January 3rd- 10th, 2022* Session starts with dinner on the 3rd and ends with brunch on the 10th, followed by teardown.
Module Three, El Rancho Robles, Oracle, AZ: *Monday, June 20th -27th, 2022* Session starts with dinner on the 20th and ends with brunch on the 27th, followed by teardown.
*These dates and locations are tentative and could change due to Covid-19 concerns and restrictions.
Curriculum Highlights
Our curriculum takes us to the threshold between numen and phenomenon, allowing us further develops our personal and spiritual wisdom, love, and power. Modalities of exploration will include dream work, meditation, Jungian themes in film, art, movement, dance and ritual.
Curriculum will be strongly influenced by those attending.
Possible areas of focus may be:
The Secret Science Behind Miracles
The Body As Shadow
Making Magic: The Core Of All Esoteric Teachings
The Stones Of The Seven Rays
Lunar and Solar – Healing the Inner Feminine, Redeeming the Inner Masculine
Honoring Hermes: The Playground Of Creativity and Change
Our Soul’s Vow: Choosing The Narratives We Live By
Furthering Initiation and Rites Of Passage
Psychology And The Occult
Union and Transcendence
Impossible Realities Becoming Possible
To find out more, contact Debbie Rixon at
or call (617) 968-1080
Mystery School Graduate Studies—
“The Goal of the Great Work is Transformation”