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  COVID-19 Collection | FREE  

Spiritual Living Topics


JOIN US AS WE GATHER to share wisdom, thoughts, and ideas. Always informative. Lively, engaging. A great opportunity to meet community members and connect. All are encouraged to participate in the conversations following the speaker. 




5:00pm--6:30pm Pacific (8:00pm --9:30pm Eastern)

Attend via ZOOM Meeting ID: 819 0224 3859
Go to Calendar entries for complete call-in information


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July 22 - Prayer: Practices in Times of Crisis,with Mikeljon and Nancy


People pray, and have from ancient times to the present. In many forms, we express our gratitude, need, and praise. We attune to the sacred and the divine. In ordinary and especially extraordinary times, life moves our hearts towards prayer, sometimes surprising even those who avoid prayer and “never” turn to it.  Tapping resources from world religions and our own lives, join us as we explore this treasured practice.


Led by Mikeljon Nickolich and Nancy Wilbur, Mystery School Graduates




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August 5 - Taking Back Your Power! with Barbara


Have you ever felt powerless and victimized, betrayed? There is a technique that really helped me to release the shame, anger, and sadness about situations in which I saw myself as the victim. This was offered in the Pathways Institute “Personal Mastery Intensive” workshop as “Victim Accountability.” In a 5-step process, you will examine the situation from differing perspectives with a partner.


The process is simple, yet powerful. You might free up the “energy” that a situation carries for you. You might recover a sense of control that you lost in the victimization or betrayal. 


There will be group discussion after each of the steps as we learn from each other’s experiences. 


This is an educational session to practice the steps in the process. Please note that this is not a therapy session, even though it may be therapeutic. Please do not choose a situation of victimization or betrayal so traumatic that it could destabilize you psychologically.


Led by Barbara Nichols, Mystery School Graduate



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August 19 - The Compassion of Kuan Yin: A Healing Journey, with Scott


Welcome to the enchanted world of limitless compassion. Discover Kuan Yin: Buddhism’s divine princess, whose purpose is to heal suffering in the world. Be soothed through her presence. Discover yourself as her force. Integrate her wisdom.


Explore a woven history with visual storytelling, followed by poetry reading, a guided meditation, with time for art and discussion.


Optional: bring a candle to light, art supplies handy, journal


Led by Scott Sidorsky, Year 3 Mystery Scholar 




September 2 - Choosing Hope, with Mary Ann and Nancy


What do poets, scholars and religious traditions teach us about choosing hope in uncertain and dark times?  What is it that lights the darkness? What is the motion that propels the tail of a dog? Join us as we explore the nature of hope. Through discussion, meditation, and short video clips, we’ll share ways to find hope and the ways in which hope helps us find our way. 


Led by Mary Ann Millsap and Nancy Wilbur, Mystery School Graduates






September 16 - Intro to Authentic Movement, with Sion and Tomoko


The body has its own consciousness and can be a gate for profound insight, psychological healing, and transformation, if we bring awareness to it. And yet much of the time, we tend to move through life from our minds, disconnected from our bodies and how they move or sense. Authentic Movement is a practice of developing consciousness through physical movement and sensory experience. 


Join Sion Kim Harris and Tomoko Murakami, Mystery School Graduates, for an evening of Authentic Movement in which they provide an experiential introduction to this valuable practice for developing insight, wholeness, and a sense of aliveness in our bodies.





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September 30 - The Role of Ritual in Ordinary & Extraordinary Times, with Joanna and Mikeljon


Many of us incorporate ritual into our daily lives, whether in ordinary or sacred ways. Ritual can provide meaning and structure in our days and allow for a sense of peace, clarity, beginning or ending. There are rituals we practice individually and rituals we create and practice together in community. Please join us for an exploration of the role of ritual both in our individual lives and in community. We will also have a discussion about what makes for meaningful ritual, and create simple ritual together during our call. This topic is dear to both of us, though we manifest ritual differently in our lives. We would love for you to join in the discussion.

Joanna and Mikeljon are Mystery School graduates currently participating in the Graduate Mystery School Program.





October 14 - David Lynch and the Vedas, led by Priscilla Jayne


We’re living through a time where the physical world seems less reliable than it was six months ago. Yet every day of our lives, faults quake, markets move, and people transform. What is stability, and how does it serve? Before David Lynch explored these ideas in his films, he explored them through the Vedas. The Vedas offer both: the awareness of Maya, the illusions of the physical world, AND the hope of the more stable truth beyond what we think we see. Join us for a discussion of how Lynch's films help explain our world as Maya, and show the path to greater possibilities beyond. 

Priscilla Jayne is a Year 3 Mystery Scholar 





Attend via ZOOM Meeting ID: 819 0224 3859

Go to Calendar entries for complete call-in information

Contact Debbie Rixon at for more details

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