COVID-19 Collection | FREE
Dream Exploration Practice Group,
with Founder Carole Kammen
TIME: 5pm - 6:30pm Pacific (8pm - 9:30pm Eastern)
New! EVERY THURSDAY, starting JUNE 11th
Attend via ZOOM Meeting ID: 141 312 888
Go to Calendar entries for complete call-in details
Recordings of Calls are posted in Dream Exploration Practice Group under ”files“ section of group.
WE EMERGE SLOWLY FROM THE CHRYSALIS tentatively taking a look around, small steps as we begin to re-engage, wondering about this old, yet new world and how we and it has changed. This is a tender time. A time of unknowns and uncertainty and also of new beginnings, new possibilities and resource.
This is the very time to turn toward our dreams for psyche’s wisdom.
This dedicated practice group will meet 6 times as we turn toward the unconscious for instruction, direction, and guidance during this time.
Our focus isn’t on understanding the dream, rather, understanding the person and their next steps through the dream. We’ll use creative approaches to bring the dreams alive; voice dialogue, dream directives, dreaming forward, dream drama, active imagination, dream ritual, dream actions and more.
Each week group members will receive simple and effective dreamwork tools for self-directed exploration, and those wishing to practice will have the opportunity to meet in small groups.
If you’re a seasoned dream practitioner — this is for you!
These sessions are designed to break up "dreamwork fatigue”, and bring a fresh, new approach to dreamwork. After all, dreams aren’t logical so why would we always use logic to experience them?
If you’re new to dream work — this is also for you!
The tools we’ll work with are accessible and approachable to everyone.
Sessions will be taped and available in our private facebook dream group page.
Join the PRIVATE Dream Exploration Practice Group on Facebook!
Attend via ZOOM Meeting ID: 141 312 888
Go to Calendar entries for complete call-in details