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Art Anchor

  COVID-19 Collection | FREE!  

Art & Soul Sessions: 
Creative Expression and Mindful Play



Sundays, 9:30am Pacific (12:30pm Eastern)

Attend via ZOOM Meeting ID: 356 443 569 
Go to Calendar entries for complete call-in details.


JUST BECAUSE WE’RE CONFINED TO HOME doesn’t mean imagination and creativity can’t soar! Art is a powerful tool for enhancing well-being and activating the power of the psyche to heal and restore balance. Research shows that, regardless of skill level, making art reduces stress and anxiety, and supports the default network in the brain by bringing us into a state of “wakeful rest”. Creating art allows us to vent difficult feelings, and open to vision and possibility—even in the most difficult of times.


Also, doing art in a group is FUN!

Unleash your creativity, joy, and freedom of expression through this mindful play. Each Sunday we’ll feature an artistic activity led by a different community member. 




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September 20th: Denise & Yaj 

The Music of Brian Eno: Transcendence


Give expression to how it feels to drift into the music, leave the realm of what is known in yourself and the Universe and be transported through the music of Brian Eno to experience new feelings, images, awareness.


What do you notice? What do you imagine? 


Suggested materials for relatively quick expression: paper, markers, colored pencils, pastels/cray pas.



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September 27th: Tomoko



Let’s connect with our body awareness, and spontaneously discover how we feel about ourselves through drawing and word play.


Materials: Any drawing or painting materials, drawing paper and/or collage materials (magazines, scissors and glue) as well as lined paper or journal for writing.



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October 4th: Yaj

Ascension into the Divine


It’s no surprise why music is important to us. It has always had a positive or negative impact on us regardless of the words. We’ve all got our favorite music that moves us to different emotions we’d like to be moved to. Come experience being with music that moves your soul. The ascension to the Divine bring you could both in and out. Where you are in full realization of your fullness as a human being and a connectedness to something much larger. The stillness of heart-center is the music of our souls.


Suggestion: be prepared to listen to this on your headphones or a home theater speaker system


Suggested art material: paint, crayons, colored pencils, paper, journal


Required material: open heart and your beautiful soul


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October 11th: Cassie



How many times do we view a situation from only one perspective? Or our dreams? We can fall into the same habit when creating art, only drawing from one point, rather than envisioning the other sides.


With a series of mini prompts we’ll play with perspective, and attempt to imagine more of the picture. Feel free to bring a dream or images you’re working with, or even shadow work where you want to depict both sides. There’ll also be short scenarios as suggestions available in case you want to start there. See you on the other side!




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October 18th:  Joanna & Kristina

Nature Inspires


Join us in creating art that is inspired by nature. Prior to our session, please take some time outside and collect anything that captures your attention. It may be a leaf, twig, pinecone, rock, acorn, pebbles, seashells, sea glass, etc. We will use these treasures in our art piece.


Please bring art supplies you have on hand, which may include paper, scissors, glue, tape, glitter, paint, markers, crayons, watercolors, and most importantly an open heart and a playful attitude.


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October 25th: Tomoko & Nancy

Pregnant Silences, Sounding Spaces


Today we attend to the silences between the notes, the “negative space” between strokes on paper, the pauses in movement.  What may they birth?  How do they serve to define, limit, uplift, illuminate, and transform our inner worlds and outer expression?  


Bring white paper and art supplies of your choice for drawing, painting or collage.   We will begin with a brief demonstration of negative space and movement to music that makes particular use of silent moments.



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November 1st: Carol

Transition through Challenge


“The transcendent function has to do with opening a dialogue between the conscious and unconscious to allow a living third thing to emerge that is neither a combination of nor a rejection of the two.”  Jeffrey C. Miller - The Transcendent Function


Join me as we open a dialogue between mind and soul exploring by starting wherever each of us is in this time of transition. No prior experience needed, just the willingness to stay open, compassionate, and without judgement. We’ll let the process inform us!


Materials Needed: Any art material, craypas, crayons, pencil, collage … etc.



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November 8th: Denise

Dance Inspired Art


Dance is an art that imprints on the soul”


​“Dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts, because it is no mere translation or abstraction from life; it is life itself.” 


Together, we will experience a beautiful movement piece (or two). From that space of inspired feelings and imaginations, we will create and explore with art.  What energy do you feel? What movements move you? 


Suggested materials for relatively quick expression: paper, markers, colored pencils, pastels/cray pas. 



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November 18th: Adrienne

Pour Painting


In this joyful practice, we prepare ingredients, pour colors and let go. Magic unfolds before us and within us. Paint flows, colors mix, tilting creates new designs, a surprise every time. NO experience necessary. Come to play, watch or do your own thing. 


Dirty Pour Technique: Paint of various colors are poured into a cup in layers. That layered liquid paint is then poured onto canvas, tile or paper.


MATERIALS You will only need ONE from each category:

PAINT •Acrylic  •Latex house paint  •Tempera

FLOW ENHANCER •Floetrol  •Pouring Medium  • Elmer’s Glue  •Optional: silicone oil

SURFACE •Canvas, canvas panel  • Tile  • Glass  •Wood  •Paper  

ALSO water container, a few cups, stirring sticks, latex gloves, old clothes




November 22nd: Dori

Exploring abundance, gratitude and joy through collages


 Tis the season! Be prepared for a twist!"



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November 29th: Tomoko 

I am...


Let’s get inspired by surprising emotions and thoughts that are revealing of our deeper self though this simple collage and writing exercise! 


Materials: Five (or more ) sheets of paper and collage materials ) (magazines, scissors and glue) as well as lined paper or journal for writing.



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December 6th: Carol

Transition Through Challenge


“The transcendent function has to do with opening a dialogue between the conscious and unconscious to allow a living third thing to emerge that is neither a combination of nor a rejection of the two.”  Jeffrey C. Miller - The Transcendent Function


Join me as we open a dialogue between mind and soul exploring by starting wherever each of us is in this time of transition. No prior experience needed, just the willingness to stay open, compassionate, and without judgement. We’ll let the process inform us!


Materials Needed: Any art material, craypas, crayons, pencil, collage … etc.




December 13th: Kevin

Art and Soul Through Music and Wisdom


One of the most vulnerable practices is expressing ourselves through music.  It truly is a Universal language that can express many different emotions, feelings, and tell our stories.  Join me in exploring various aspects of creating your own music in whatever form or instrument you want to bring; a drum, your voice, keyboards, your favorite instrument.  We’ll explore various ways to create your stories through music.






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December 20th: Tomoko



To conclude the year, we will explore what we want in our lives and make a forward growth step toward the future through creative writing and drawing/painting.


Materials: Any drawing or painting materials, drawing paper and/or collage materials (magazines, scissors and glue) as well as lined paper or journal for writing.






Attend via ZOOM​ Meeting ID: 356 443 569 

Go to Calendar entries for complete call-in details.


Contact Debbie Rixon at for more details

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