COVID-19 Collection | FREE!
Art & Soul Sessions:
Creative Expression and Mindful Play
Sundays, 9:30am Pacific (12:30pm Eastern)
Attend via ZOOM Meeting ID: 356 443 569
Go to Calendar entries for complete call-in details.
JUST BECAUSE WE’RE CONFINED TO HOME doesn’t mean imagination and creativity can’t soar! Art is a powerful tool for enhancing well-being and activating the power of the psyche to heal and restore balance. Research shows that, regardless of skill level, making art reduces stress and anxiety, and supports the default network in the brain by bringing us into a state of “wakeful rest”. Creating art allows us to vent difficult feelings, and open to vision and possibility—even in the most difficult of times.
Also, doing art in a group is FUN!
Unleash your creativity, joy, and freedom of expression through this mindful play. Each Sunday we’ll feature an artistic activity led by a different community member.

June 7: Tomoko
Frottage Art: Exploring Surface and Drawing Texture
Unlikely objects can generate beautiful and surprising drawings that come from a physical, tactile experience. It is active, tactile and MAGICAL to watch the texture reveal as you rub over the surface! Such a fun way to discover that our world is full of amazing textures and interesting shapes.
Paper (Thin paper such as Asian paper, tissue paper for wrapping gifts, tracing paper. If you don’t have any thin paper, regular printing/copy paper is fine.)
Drawing materials (Pencil (soft pencil [2B, 4B, 6B] works better.), colored pencil, graphite stick, conte crayon, crayon, chalk, oil pastel)
Optional materials - Scissors, glue stick or glue, piece of card stock or cardboard [9”x12” or larger recommended.

June 14: Scott
Conscious Art, Breath and Movement
Discover art as a form of meditation and practice of awareness. Join me for a moment in time to breathe and move consciously so that our minds are free to create. Noticing each moment, and then the next.
A ‘Conscious’ artist connects with the Divine and creates that which lifts them up from the mundane. Conscious Art moves society forward toward higher states of awareness and is directed toward changing the Self, looking deeply outside, and within.
We’ll begin with an introduction, and five-minute, guided meditation. There will be quiet music. We’ll spend time working with whatever we want to physically bring—magazines for collage, or a single paintbrush and paint, clay, or pencil and paper. One could simply arrange paperclips.
Before closing, we’ll have time to share our experiences.

June 21: Joanna
Haiku and images
Come play with this Japanese form of contemplation. We will look at images (bring your own or use one of the images I'll share) to create short 17 syllable musings. Typically a form of reflecting responses to nature, we will use this time to reflect what's happening in the moment.

June 28: Paula
Playing with energetics
We will explore opposing sides of polarities and then play with integration. We will also explore our feeling responses as we play.
Bring any art supplies you like.
Suggested materials:
Colored pencils
Several pieces of paper

July 5: John
Birds and Flowers
Birds have long been a symbol of the spirit and flowers have long represented the beauty of the earth. Bring your imagination of either or both to paint and show. For example, you might imagine a dove returning to Noah with an olive leaf, or a field of bursting color in the summer.
Bring whatever art supplies you want to work with.

July 12: Dori
This & That Collaging - Let’s Do It Again!
“Play is the work of children; it’s very serious stuff.” —BOB KEESHAN (aka Captain Kangaroo)
Through collaging, we will playfully explore various ways of seeing and experiencing the same event, feeling, relationship or situation. By stepping into different perspectives around topics, issues or words of our own choosing, we will become more aware of our attachments and of the duality, the “this & that,” of all things. In the process, we will create space to explore the gold that lies along the continuum, between one extreme and another, and open ourselves up to greater self-awareness, consciousness and growth, self-expression, healing and joy. Suggested supplies include: 8x11 paper any color, tissue paper, magazines, sundry decorative items like mini mirrors, glitter, ribbon … sand or salt … whatever you have lying around the house. Glue or glue sticks, scissors, markers, pens and/or pencils.

July 19: Acrylic Pour Painting—Tapping into flow, with Adrienne
In this joyful alchemical practice, we mindfully create a container, prepare ingredients, pour colors and let go. The magical transformation unfolds before us and within us. Paint flows across the surface, colors mix, gentle tilting creates new shapes and designs. First timers can create beautiful images using this fun and forgiving process. The result is a surprise every time.
FLIP CUP. Layers of different colored paint are poured into the same cup and then flipped upside down on a surface. Pause, lift the cup, tilt the surface, behold the magic.
SWIPE. Colors are poured on a surface with black or white paint on one side. Using a damp paper towel, card stock or paint scraper, the black or white is gently pulled over the other colors, which bubble up to the surface
MATERIALS You will only need ONE from each category
Acrylic paint – preferred (3 or more colors) • Latex house paint • Tempera paint
Floetrol • Pouring Medium • Elmer’s Glue All (or school glue) • Optional: rubbing alcohol, silicone oil, OGX Coconut Oil Hair serum (or anything with dimethicone)
SURFACE (Easiest to work 10 x 12" or smaller to start)
Canvas, canvas panel–preferred • Tile–preferred • Glass • Wood • Thick gauge paper • Press board
ALSO water container, 5-8 small plastic or paper cups, stirring sticks, latex gloves, apron or old clothes, something to perch your canvas on and a pizza box or tray to catch the paint. (see below)

July 26: Kristina
Inspirational Creativity
We will spark our creativity using Inspirational Quotes. Please bring a quote that has had a profound impact on you. No experience necessary, just come to play and have fun. Suggested materials include paper, markers, cray pas, crayons, colored pens and/or pencils, watercolors, paints. Whatever you have on hand.

August 2: Carol Rosen
Transition Through Challenge
“The transcendent function has to do with opening a dialogue between the conscious and unconscious to allow a living third thing to emerge that is neither a combination of nor a rejection of the two.”
Jeffrey C. Miller - The Transcendent Function
Join me as we open a dialogue between mind and soul exploring by starting wherever each of us is in this time of transition. No prior experience needed, just the willingness to stay open, compassionate, and without judgement. We’ll let the process inform us!
Materials Needed: Any art material, craypas, crayons, pencil, collage … etc.
August 9th: Denise
Dance-Inspired Art with Denise
“Dance is an art that imprints on the soul”
“Dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts, because it is no mere translation or abstraction from life; it is life itself.”
Together, we will experience a beautiful movement piece (or two). From that space of inspired feelings and imaginations, we will create and explore with art.
Suggested materials for relatively quick expression: paper, markers, colored pencils, pastels/cray pas.

August 16th:
Abstract Art hosted by Cassie Lajeskie
Simple lines and shapes combine to create bold, colorful art that can be both mesmerizing and thought-provoking. Where they intersect, what to color or not, you decide! You'll need paper, assorted writing implements in various colors, and as many fun things to trace as you can find in your house! Come let your abstract artist out!

August 23
Journaling to Expression with Teri
We will step into art through writing. I will offer a writing prompt as a way to play in our imaginations with 15 minutes of free writing and from there we will transition from words to images through drawing or painting.
Suggested materials include: journal, pen, paper, pastels, markers, cray pas, crayons, colored pens and/or pencils, or paints. This is about exploration and having fun. No experience necessary.

August 30
Transformation with Tomoko
“If you could wave a magic wand, how would you transform yourself, or your life?” We will make an artwork (collage, drawing and/or painting) based on this question. A positive word, phrase, an image, or simply a feeling might come to mind. At this point it does not matter if an answer comes, as the entire art process will provide plenty of time to contemplate this question.
This art session offers a fun visioning process involving metaphor, contemplation, and spontaneous art making.
Suggested art materials: large sheets of sturdy paper, oil pastels, thick colored markers, collage materials such as old magazines, tissue paper, printed scrapbook papers etc.